Anuvab Sen

Docter of Philosophy [PhD]

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA



Google Scholar


Selected for Google Research Week'24

Recipent of IEEE GRSS Travel Grant

Other Roles

Member, IEEE, CIS Committee
           January 2024 - Present

Co-Lead, Google Developer Club
           September 2022 - Feb 2024

Chairperson, IEEE CIS IIEST
           Januray 2020 - December 2020

About Me

I am a first-year PhD student at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, in the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My current research areas of interest are related to artificial intelligence and energy-efficient design, with a focus on applications in smart machines that generate usable information from data. I am particularly interested in building energy-efficient models that operate under tight resource constraints.

I graduated with a B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication from IIEST Shibpur in 2024.

As an undergraduate, I engaged in diverse research experiences and received prestigious awards. I was awarded the Mitacs Globalink Research Scholarship to pursue an internship at McMaster University, where I implemented advanced machine learning models for load forecasting and optimized their performance using cognitive optimization techniques. Additionally, I conducted research at the University of Bremen, focusing on Quantum Machine Learning and Quamtum Statistics. Additionally I have received prestigious IEEE GRSS, IEEE CIS travel grants to present my research work in reputed conferences.

I was advised by Prof. Subhamoy Maitra at the Indian Statistical Institute, where I worked on NMR Quantum Computing and the optimization of quantum algorithms. For my undergraduate thesis at IIEST, I worked closely collaborating with Dr. Subhabrata Roy. I primarily worked on the applications of attention mechanisms and explored areas like Alzheimer's diagnosis using SNNs and explored QMViTs too.

I am very active on most socials, particularly E-mail and Twitter. If you are interested in my work, have questions, or want to share anything at all, feel free to reach out!

Mitacs Globalink Research Intern
May 2023 - Aug 2023

Hamilton, Canada

Dr. Chi Tang

Artificial Neural Networks, Long Term Short Memory, Hyper-parameter Optimization, Smart Grid

Machine Learning Intern, Unify AI, UK
May 2022 - Jul 2022

London, UK

Helped in developing a model to enable automatic code conversions between frameworks and developed multi-framework support.

Summer Research Intern, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Jul 2021 - Sep 2021

Dr. Subhamoy Maitra

Quantum Algorithms, Deutsch-Josza Algorithm, Grover's Algorithm, Bernstein Vazirani Algorithm and Quantum Fourier Transform.

Studied HHL Algorithm, Quantum Phase estimation & Generated MUBs (Mutually Unbiased Bases)

[Aug. 2024] I started my PhD at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atanta, USA!

[July 2024] I completed my graduation at IIEST Shibpur, India!

[Jan 2024] My undergrad thesis got accepted as a workshop paper at IGARSS, Athens, Greece!

Conference Papers

ExoSpikeNet: A Light Curve Analysis Based Spiking Neural Network for Exoplanet Detection, Comm. Systems and Network Technologies Conf [CSNT], 802-807

QGAPHnet: Quantum Genetic Algorithm Based Hybrid QLSTM Model for Soil Moisture Estimation, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium [IGARSS 2024].

HBO-DEViT: Vision Transformer Based Attention-Guided Evolutionary Architecture for Ship-Iceberg Categorisation in Arctic SAR Images, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium [IGARSS 2024]

QGAPHEnsemble: Combining Hybrid QLSTM Network Ensemble via Adaptive Weighting for Short Term Weather Forecasting, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence [CEC], 2024

Differential Evolution Algorithm based Hyper-Parameters Selection of Transformer Neural Network Model for Load Forecasting, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence [SSCI], 234-239

A Comparative Analysis on Metaheuristic Algorithms Based Vision Transformer Model for Early Detection of Alzheimerโ€™s Disease, Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks [CICN], 200-205

Differential Evolution Algorithm based Hyper-Parameters Selection of Convolutional Neural Network for Speech Command Recognition, Computational Intelligence - ECTA, Vol 1

DEM-ViT: State-of-the-art Vision Transformer Model for Early Detection of Alzheimerโ€™s Disease, National Conference on Communications [NCC], 1-6

Journal Papers

Comparative Evaluation of Evolutionary Metaheuristic Algorithms for Hyper-parameter Selection in Short-Term Weather Forecasting, Springer Nature Studies in Computational Intelligence

Benchmarking Metaheuristic Integrated Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm against Quantum Annealing, 11th CSAI Conference, London, Quantum Information Processing [QIP]

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